Glebe Infant School

Glebe Infant School

GPP Federation

Curriculum Overview

The GPP Federation
Curriculum Statement

Prepare, Progress, Prevail 

Our curriculum intends to be based on a range of experiential opportunities: 

We recognise that many of our children do not have exposure to experiences that children in other areas would take for granted and as such our curriculum is planned to provide these experiences. We ensure children’s learning, where possible, is based on hands-on experiences; meeting visitors that can inspire children’s learning and visiting places of interest that ensure children have first-hand experience of the knowledge they are being taught. 

Our curriculum intends to raise self-esteem and self-confidence: 

Throughout all aspects of the curriculum the school promotes a ‘Can-Do’ attitude and celebrates the successes of children and the progress that is made. 

Our curriculum focusses on the core skills of Reading, Writing and Maths: 

We recognise that for our children to succeed beyond the classroom these skills are crucial. Many of our children arrive at school with levels of understanding far below those expected of their age group and the school works hard to provide the support needed by focussing on these core areas in order to close the gaps that exist. 

Our curriculum has a clearly mapped out progression of skills and knowledge: 

We recognise that in order for children to learn effectively it is important that the taught curriculum is carefully mapped out to ensure that long term acquisition of skills and knowledge is acquired.  

Our curriculum has a focus on developing Speech and language: 

A large proportion of our children enter school with Speech and Language development well below the expected level. As such we tailor the curriculum to prioritise this aspect of learning and utilise opportunities both within the taught lessons and outside of these to develop these skills. 

Our curriculum intends to raise children’s aspirations and set high expectations for ALL pupils: 

Our curriculum recognises that a large proportion of our children are from backgrounds where the long term aspirations may be hindered by previous educational experience or understanding. As such our curriculum sets high expectations for all pupils and explicitly raises awareness and expectations for future aspirations.   

Our curriculum intends to equip children with the life skills/social skills needed to be an effective citizen:

Our curriculum prioritises the acquisition of key life skills/social skills so that all children are able to live as an effective citizen with a positive outlook on their own self-esteem, ability and capability to make a positive contribution to society. It focuses on creating resilient learners who are willing to take calculated risks in order to be the best that they can be. 

Our curriculum is designed around 4 key principles: Engage, Develop, Apply and Celebrate. These 4 principles underpin the planning process for topics in each year group and enable staff to deliver a curriculum that matches our curriculum intent. Firstly, the ‘Engage’ element is used to launch a topic.

After that, the ‘Develop’ and ‘Apply’ elements take place during the teaching process. Finally the ‘Celebrate’ element focuses upon reflection, evaluation and sharing of outcomes; celebrating success and achievements. This process will take approximately 3 weeks and run twice every half term as indicated on the LTP and MTP formats. 


➢ Hook, WOW or trip ➢ Set the scene and provide context ➢ Provoke thought, interest and enquiry ➢ Used a various points throughout a topic to spark and maintain interest and enthusiasm 
➢ Teach subject knowledge ➢ Model and demonstrate new skills ➢ Opportunities for reading, writing, speaking and listening in all curriculum areas 
➢ Provide creative opportunities to use newly acquired knowledge and skills ➢ Encourage group work and problem solving when applying new skills ➢ Provide opportunities for an outcome in which new knowledge and skills are applied or shared 
➢ Plan opportunities for children to evaluate and reflect ➢ Celebrate work ➢ Identify next steps for learning 
We deliver the National Curriculum requirements issued by the DfE. 

This National Curriculum comprises of: 

English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education (PE), Computing, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) and Religious Education. 

The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools. It is taught as a subject outside the National Curriculum but following the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus 2017. 

At The GPP Federation we recognise the importance of English and Maths teaching in order to open up other areas of the curriculum and therefore a large emphasis is placed on these :


areas. In addition to regular Maths and English sessions teachers try to make as many cross curricular links as possible in order to utilise these skills in a range of contexts. 

The planning of the curriculum is based around a rolling program to ensure coverage of selected topics by all children who progress through the school. Planning takes the form of a topic based approach, where teachers link subjects to provide an engaging and inspiring curriculum. 

Whilst the core subjects are taught on a regular basis the foundation subjects may sometimes be taught as blocks of work over a matter of weeks. 

This program is regularly reviewed to ensure compatibility with new directives or to make necessary improvements to the existing program of work. 

At The GPP Federation we seek to create opportunities for children to experience and excel in a range of activities that enhance and extend the National Curriculum. Children have opportunities both inside and outside the classroom eg Forest Schools, Residential trips, a variety of sporting events, visiting speakers and much more. We also provide a diverse range of after school clubs. 

We value the role of modern foreign languages in the curriculum and French is taught from Year 3 to Year 6.  
When children leave at the end of Year 6 they should be equipped with the full range of skills that enables them to become lifelong learners. Through our Personal, Social, Health education (PSHE) along with Citizenship and our Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural ethos, children are also equipped with the social skills and understanding to become good citizens in the future. 

More information regarding our exciting curriculum to follow shortly